Monday, April 20, 2009

Nude Photos

Ex high school IU Day.
Sports Plaza.
Desmond Houzzie.

International Understanding Day.
I spent 20min hang around there only.

Nadira. Malay mix Jawa.
Lychee&Ipod Lover.

Zaa-hira the beauty queen.
Happy Belated Birthday.

Below this jeep u can see two balls hanging.
Do it looks like a testis to you?

Plaza Sports. Have friendly matches with HELP students.
REMATCH- this coming Friday

Rottweiler pissing under the tree.

Des u pose a lot uh!

Sorry Dharnesha!

Arnold when he was young.

It was the cousin grandma birthday too!
Desmond, u know syaira's birthday also on 18th April right?

My best friends. What we do all the time?
Kutuk others without any insurans. AIG or whatsoever
Checking out chicks.
Kicking ball.
Talk cock.

Sapu half the cake gone.

What to do we are the guest.

Clement. No1 racist bastard, Anti-Indian&Chinese to the max.
Cam the face. haha :P

Look at Clement staring at the roasted chicken.

Hey TsuAnn,
now you know how it looks like when i told you what i had for dinner.

Has been a long time since i ever use my hand to eat.

Watching Norbit.
my milk shake bring all the boys to the yard.

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