Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm a Standout in Life!

There are many ways to show how outstanding i am.
"For example, I am more outstanding compare to other bloggers who are under18.....!"
I get to go places which only allow 18 and above.
In addition, I also get to watch videos which only ALLOW 18 and ABOVE!

What makes me a standout in life?
I was gifted by God to have great interest in sports and being active in it.
I started to represent school ever since I was young at the age of 9years old.
Not just representing the school to compete with others but also made the school proud by winning medals.
Wondering what sports do i play?


Football every week at least twice.

Too much passionate in football.

Cheerleading practise. This is suppose to be a girls sports.


The day before competition, I hurt my back badly because I landed directly onto the yellow bar but I didn't give up.

can you do that?
That makes me so standout.

High Jump!~

Everyone is standout in their own way. Just that they did not notice about it.
As for me, I am standout in sports....!
My opinion being standout in sports alone is not enough.
What makes a person beyond standout is having the great quality of....?
We must have sportmanship in whatever sports we played.
That is what exactly I have!


Esther said...

you're right, everyone stands out in their own way. some more than the others. btw, cheerleading is not a sport for girls. there are all-boys teams as well and not only in malaysia but in other countries too. anyway, i think this is an interesting post. =)

inkish27 said...

you really wrote on the 18 years old..
and u cheer! awwww HAHAHHAHA

Samantha Chow said...

so did u get the tickets? :D