Saturday, May 9, 2009

LG Blog Launch Party

Here is the complete version of mine regarding LG Blog Launch Party.
My first Nuffnang party. Congratz to LG brand for launching their blog and thank you for giving me a chance to attend it. Looking forward for upcoming events!

Red Chandelier and more balloons.

First person i met is Nigel with the band on his forehead.
To Nigel: Want her msn? =P

Tsu Ann, my college-mate.
Yeap, i managed to see the Twin Tower but only one side.

SerenaC and TsuAnn.

Zues, blogger who i newly met.
Hope i did not get your name wrong, bro.

Abang Nichii.

Posing maut!
The only sign he knew how to do.

Really devil!
Free flow of booze.
beer or vodka.

Dancing on the podium.
She really know how to shake her body.

Fashion show. Tzia

"I can feel the force!"

Best dressed Devil.
Balloons here and there......

Best dressed Angel.
Both of them walk away with a LG 32" Full HD LCD Tv each.
Congratz to both of them.

Simon, devil feature with a shrek ear!

Cindy Tey, the Malaysian Dreamgirl.

I forgot to ask both of their name.
So basically if you are in this picture leave your name.
Too violent. ;D

Adele and me.
Last picture i took during this party.
Also picture of the day!

P/S: Manchester United also known as the Red Devils are leading Manchester City by one goal. Try to predict what are the scoreline at the end of the game...
I predict 2-0.


Zues said...

Hi there, nice post for the event^^ Yea you got my name right! By the way, nice meeting you!

hengjovi said...

u didnt take a picture with me, lol i was the devil guy with red face! hahah

Simon Seow said...

The guy in white shirt and a tie is Lionel@Serge Nougard, he blogs at Nice meeting you too.

Kim Ong said...

Thanks man... ;)