Friday, May 22, 2009

Night At the Museum 2.

All this happened in a day! kind of random but I like it.

2am - received a msg from Esther whether can we go for a lunch and movie.

6am - saw her message and i replied her. my eyes barely can open at that time. right after I replied her message straight away knock out...... zzzZzZzzzz

9am - woke up and went for advance mathe extra class.

12pm - meet up with Esther at Pyramid. she was accompanied by her friends Grace and Ralph.

This is the best part, my convo with the cinema's cashier:-

Me: Night at the museum 2!
Cashier: How many person?
Me: 2!
Cashier: Couple seats or normal seats?
Me: Errrrr........ (I was confused whether to buy the couple seats or normal seats because......)
At the end, i chose the couple seat.
To people out there: Is there any difference between couple seats and normal seats??

Night at The Museum 2!

Awesome movie. Those who like comedy this is the one!

To Esther: Thanks for a very random day... and i will remember to get the side one next time!


JennyTay said...

couple seat cost more than the normal seat rite? haha.. but its ok if that is a special should get a couple seat =)

I cant wait to watch this movie.

SGRMSE. said...

Couple seats give you more room. I reckon it's just to sit closer to each other. LOL.