Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father Day.

Gary's Cafe to have dinner.
Honestly, the food there is awesome.
Planned to bring someone along with me but she can't.....

Beef Salad.

I don't know what is this but is damn nice..

Chicken with some sauce.

Oh..... TomYum Prawn.
Not to sweet not to spice.
Just perfect.

Bryant face so damn red after drinking the tomyum soup!

3 Kungfu Panda.
After dinner, drove all the way to "someone's house" just to see her but
only can see her shadow through a small tiny window and listen her voice
through handphone, is fun thou. I start to do very random stuff
nowadays just to see her smiles!

Looking forward this coming Friday!


~Elaine Tam~ said...

Excuse me...which one is your dad???/ =__="

YewJin said...

tht is very good question.
none of them are. haha i think i laugh la if i got them as my dad....

~Elaine Tam~ said...

None of them, then why "Father Day" as title la???? =__="

YewJin said...

i can't think of any title. since tht day is father day just put father day la hahaha.