Thursday, July 16, 2009

Asia Cafe.

Guys and girls out there listen up!
My friend and I will be throwing a BlackOut party next month.
Augest 28 or August 29?
Choose one!
So make yourself free on that night.
Flyer will be out soon.


Asia Cafe!

I have been hearing about Asia Cafe the day I joined Sunway College.
Honestly, today is my first time going there.
We were suppose to attend Moral Study but the lecturer was absent.

Jom let's see what shit we did in AC!

Rugby player for sunway stallion team
Martial art Sifu.

3 of us have the same name.

Caven, my account classmate. He was blushing !

Mark and Jee Kin.
Our BlackOut party's Head



Mark's face turn red easily.

Eugene with his Lala's Pose.

Chi Kit.

Obviously camwhoring.

Tarkessh's first time playing pool.

Omg look at his leg. damn......

Jealous of me and Chloe camwhoring.
Start one by one taking picture with her.

Belongs to Eugene

Tight face when drinking tiger.

Picture of the day!
I was holding Jeekin.
Mark was holding me.
Tarkessh was holding Mark.
Eugene holding a beer botol!
Ready to hit CheeKit's Head!
Chloe the camera girl...


chloe^^ said...

eh so fast u posted it haha

YewJin said...

chloe!! hahaha
wat a surprise. how u know my blog url? hahaha

Evelyn G. said...

wow, 1st day at AC???? O_O