Saturday, July 25, 2009


BlackOut party is giving out few free tickets, to know more
about it make sure you are invited and got added in the Facebook's Event.
An event you wouldn't want to miss!

It was supposed to be a meeting with Zoltan
to discuss about the price for throwing our BlackOut party at his club
but we ended up partying with him.

Yes! We did discussed about the price but only for 10minutes...
Great crowd, nice music and awesome dancers....


Mark. Me. Zoltan

Zoltan's Club, Bambo9.
Hqnine and Metropol also belong to him.
Wish could have my own club. =P

Given a chance to experience it.
There is one part the dancers were dance infront the DJ place.
Totally clear view!

One of the dancer who got hired by Zoltan.
The whole night they were just shaking.

Nice cloth.


Smirnoff Vodka.
Manchester United picture on it.
Thank for the drink, Zoltan.

The best thing I'm not the driver.
Thanks Mark!

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