Sunday, April 26, 2009

Borneo Rainforest.

Day: Saturday
Where i went: Sunway College - Sports Plaza - Borneo Rainforest.

8.30 morning got to attend physic class.

Lecture Hall

Miss Dewika.
She is the best lecturer i ever see.
She dare to throw anyone phones down from the building if it rings.

Next, headed to Sports Plaza for futsal rematch.
We were trashed by them previously but this time pay back time.
Out of 8matches we lost once and drew twice only.
It was not the number of game we won which make me so proud,
is the way we played.

At night, Dino and I went all the way to Sunway, Borneo Rainforest.
Esther's Advance Birthday Party.

Esther thought he was a bouncer.

Esther the birthday girl.
Esther, are you blushing or because of the liquor?

Dino, i know you were eye-ing on that Indian girl.

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