Tuesday, April 28, 2009


3 of my friends birthday is today so i would like to wish them Happy Birthday to Julian Loh, Esther Au and AngelKein. English test and physic presentation fall on the same day which is today. Feel so relieve now, everything past.

Oh yeah, to Miss Dewika, i actually do enjoy your class most of the time.

What we do: Presentation
Where: Physic Lab

Darren group presented helicopter.

Mark Chee group presented Paintball.
And guess what i was doing at the back.

Me. Isfand.Tarkessh


That monkey face behind Kelvin is Nadhir.


Miss Dewika face priceless.

My group to present. Formula 1.


Physic A5
Future engineers, that include ME TOO!


Clement group presented para-shoot!

Continue camwhoring at the back.

Nadia Valentina something something.

She wanted a close shot.

Born in Pakistan.
Live in Dubai.
Study in Malaysia.
Marry in.....?

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