Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Can Relate to Ghosts of Girlfriends Past!

Starring: Matthew McConaughey as womanizer Connor Mead

Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner)

Ghost of Girlfriends Past.
Release Date: 4th June 2009

It is a dream for most of the guys included me, to be like Matthew McConaughey; get to date as many girls at one go.I probably will make a list of girls which i had dated and show it to my son in future. It will be much better if those girls are :-

Megan Fox


Angelina Jolie

I wish i could so are you right!?
Let's come back to me.

When i was Form2 i made one of my most important decision and i didn't regret choosing it till today.
I was dating 2 girls at a time. Q and S!
Eventually, i got busted and got to choose one only.

I met Q in my high school.
At that time, was kind of like "puppy love"....
So i decided to go for her.
Her close friend told me that i got to play hard in order to get her.
Sometime she treats me cold and sometime she treats me hot.
At the end, we got together.
We were holding hand under the desk.
We hang out together after school.

A week later i was selected to represent the school for athletic.
Q treated me so cold few days before i went for athletic.
She did not talk to me. Not even a "hi".
So i assume we were no longer together.
I was Form2! come on..... How should i know what girls thinking about.
Then i went for athletic and i met S!

Here the party start.

We were hanging out together throughout the whole competition.
Sooner or later we got together.
I think it took me 3days to be with her. fast right...
On the last day of the competition i kissed her because my friend dared me.
Forgive my hormone.

The following week S came to my school to see me.
Out of no where Q got to know.
So both confronted me and i got to choose between Q and S.....
Obviously, i made one of them cried for me.
Just pray that she forget about it.
Do not come and haunt me kay....!

My relationship with her lasted for 4years!
I did not feel regret for choosing her as my girlfriend....
Eventually, puppy love turn into real love.
Anyway, it has past.

Wondering who i chose? Give me the ticket and i shall reveal the answer!
Q or S?



TianChad田七摄影 said...

"Reveal" the answer ;p

YewJin said...

thanks bro! haha. so i shall see u tomorrow?