Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nuffnang Party.

My first invitation to Nuffnang Party!
Just got invited by The Nuffnang to attend LG Blog Launch Party!!
A pair of invitations has been reserved under my name "Mr.Khong" so i get to bring
someone along!!! still thinking
Do leave me a comment at my cbox to those nuffnangers who got invited too!!!!

When?- 8 of May 2009 (this coming Friday)
Where?- Metropol Bar, Ground Floor, Menara Hap Seng, K.L (anyone know near where?)
What?- Dress up like an angel or DEVIL. (which one should i choose?)

According to the Metropol Bar website, it has a spectacular view of the Petronas Twin Towers. I wonder it it true? So i be heading to there this Friday to find out.


TianChad田七摄影 said...

Now you have the tickets to invite her! ;p
C u there!

Unknown said...

See you mate!