Saturday, May 2, 2009


Have you heard of a game called "Lucky"? I just got to know that it is a gambling which applied on the pool table! The objective of the game is to kill the others number. That is something new which i had learned from Dino and Vikram.

Futsal at Ampang Sports Planet.
7 buffaloes squeezed in my Honda City.
To Clement: What for trying so hard extending your neck just to block your face.

Before meeting up with Arnold, Vikram, Dino and I went to CueBall for pool.
Dino, Taylor-ian.

Vikram, Help-ian.

Me? Sunway-ian

Thai Club.
Left onwards- Jeremy. Arnold. Me. Dino. Vikram

While waiting for Arnold and Jeremy along the street, I saw some female promoters trying so hard to sell their shots to the customers in a club. This remind me of a person who work as a promoter too last time and at the end i lost that person..... I promised myself i will finish my study and work my ass so that i would not want the person i love to suffer next time.

Chilling around.
God, know what we did there.

Drove all of them back home.
Jeremy: Viki, you are so hot!
Jeremy: Dino, i love your father!
(He is just tipsy and look what cock he said!)

Viki's knee was twisted during the futsal match so he was having some difficulties
in walking. According to this picture it seems like his leg is totally fine!
Can dance some more.

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