Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Standout with Nuffnang & Tiger.

Nuffnang party is back! Well, this time I was lucky again to be invited to this party, Standout with Nuffnang & Tiger. It going to be another awesome night. Come on free flow of tiger beer.

Date : 6 of June 2009 (this coming saturday)
Time : 7-late night (yahoooo!)
Venue : HQnine, TTDI Plaza, K.L (anyone know near where? some help please)
Dresscode : Standout (wearing a flowerish boxer, Standout enough?)

Nuffnang bloggers, anyone who are going to the party do leave a message at my cbox? So I shall see you guys there!

Most standout attire wins....
No matter you are Chinese, Indian, Malay, GIrls, Boys,Grandma, Uncle or whoever viewing my blog hope you will pray with me for my mum. She just went through a major surgery today and now still in the hospital having fever.


TianChad田七摄影 said...

All the best!
Try use google map to find the place :)

Any Arope said...

get well soon aunty,

p/s:tell your mum i said tht..

angieflo said...

hahhaha i just stay there. hrm, dont think you know who am i. but im tsu's fren.. need any help? and i do know bout tht place. you confirm going?

sabahking said...

ur mum will recover very very very very soon !! dun worry !!enjoy in that party !!

YewJin said...

TianChad - yes boss. i try to google right away!!!

anny - hahaha told her tht and she sid thanks.

angeflo - yeap i confirmed going.

sabahking - thanks man. she is fine now thank god. :D

~ Xi@nGCooL ~ said...

I'm sorry to hear about that...
I will pray for your mummy to get well soon....
Sent my warmest regard for your family too...
All the best!

Jacquelyn Ho said...

See you there! Come say hi if u see me haha! I'm bad at recognizing faces :(

Anonymous said...

haha hey all the best! =D

SGRMSE. said...

I have NO IDEA where HQNine is either! LOL. RYC - I'm BROKE that's why! No Man Utd pass for me. *sniff*

jocelyncoco said...

she will be fine !!!!!!!all the best!

+ Suresh + said...

hey there...will see ya at standout..hope i recognize you..haven seen you at any previous blogger events..btw dun worry man..ur mum will be fine..god bless!

cheer up,


Harry Gan said...

Hi I'm invited for the party too! Its my first time in this kind of event though so I guess I'm not used to it yet...
The place TTDI plaza's address suppose to be Jalan Wan Kadir 3 , Taman Tun Dr Ismail , 60000 Kuala Lumpur, 60000, Malaysia‎ if I'm not mistaken, hope I got the right place!
And having problem what to wear too, haiz... seems that its my FIRST TIME. =.=
Hope its fun! See you there!^^

Anonymous said...

can i go too?? I'm not invited...

Penton said...

Unfortunately, this event is only for invited blogger... Sorry cwee...

My friends are not invited too... sob sob...

Viya said...

I am not invited too TT