Sunday, May 31, 2009

Relay For Life 2009

Yesterday was awesome! First of all I would like to say thank you - Nuffnang & Tiger because I received my invitation to Standout with Nuffnang & Tiger... (free flow of tiger beer)! I post the details in my next post.

Let's get back to yesterday night event.

What? - Relay For Life 2009
Where? - Bukit Jalil
When? - 6.30pm - 10am (the next day)

Organised by National Cancer Society Malaysia
For once yewjin gets to contribute to the society.

While waiting for Dinesh, Dino and I camwhore.

Rally car drivers.
representing perodua....

Relay For Life 2009

She is the survivor for tumor cancer.
Sometime, there is thing which you cannot predict.
For example, getting cancer. No matter what happen never give up!

Life is really short.
You will never know what is going to happen to you or the person
around you tomorrow. Therefore, do appreciate whatever things around you.

My tshirt is M size but lily's one XL haha.

Lily & Kz

Wishing for someone to be there!
Her name start with I.

The string's knot actually hits my telur.
Lily can't swing (masalah muka)

We were planning to have a group photo. Me, Desmond, Kz and Lily.
but everytime surely will miss someone.
1st shot. Kz missing!

2nd shot. lily missing now!
(go back home drink more milk then u will get taller)

3rd shot. Finally...
but i was force to take this picture under the spotlight.
afraid someone can't be seen, right Desmond!?

There I met Philip and Aimi/Charlotte.
Still confused whether that is Aimi or Charlotte.
Before we met them, Desmond and I ran for 6rounds
but we walk and walk and walk till how many round we walked
also forgot. Is fun thou.

Ais-cream waffet. yummy!


Backward run.

There are 6 beauties on the stage.
Wondering whether they are guys or girls?
To be honest they are guys. one of them even show his boxer.

The only thing they like to hit is their ass.

Can't believe Clement and I checking HIM out.

And she became the most popular one.

Camwhore with my camera....
Luckily lens tak PECAH!

At first I thought HE was a girl but it seems that he is Dino's Uncle worker.
So 100% is a guy. I felt so short when standing beside him.

Fun and more fun.

To lily: Desmond is MINE....!

Look, is the twin Amie and Charlotte.
At the back is WaiYuen.

1. She goes kuku already.
2. Lily trying to carry Kz but failed to do so.
3. Yay man who is the man. Ying-Yang.
(sorry bro, blocked your light!)

Everyone has hope.
Especially cancer patient.
If you never give up, miracle might happen on you one day.

Clockwise- Kz. Lily. Clement. Me. Desmond and Dino
I think lily blocked Dinesh.

Amanda was there too!
Yellow for banana.

We stayed there till 2 in the morning.
Before I leave, Kz did something special.

To KZ: if you are reading this now, I made my promise and I didn't put it on blog.
It is really a great event so i be looking forward for Relay For Life 2010.


SGRMSE. said...

Congratulations on scoring the party invites! And yesss, I wanna go watch Man U but *ahem*, where's my pass? 0:)


KZ said...

ass, you dont need to mention that i did "something" okay?

~Elaine Tam~ said...

You and Lily looks very alike with each other? Siblings ka? hehehehh~

YewJin said...

hahaha sibling? no lah my college mate hahaha