Sunday, June 7, 2009

Standout with Nuffnang & Tiger!

Told'cha it was an awesome party, Standout with Nuffnang&Tiger! Thank you to Nuffnang and Tiger for inviting me to this party. This time was held at HQnine, TTDI.

Get to place my handprint on the early bird board.
Thank you to this lady for drawing my hand.
To this orange lady: If you see this please leave me your name....

This time Dino was my guest.

TianChad with his cat... meow....

Trust me I nearly got lost at TTDI.
Really a great place.

Free flow of tiger beer.....

Emcee of the day - Liang & JoJo

The crowd.

Benard with his cow outfit.

Dino, milk him fast! milk....

Tiger beer bottle with their new design!

Harry and his guest.

Serge with his free hugs tshirt.
I think i need one too but I would write....

Looks like husband and wifey....

We get to sign on his shirt too!

She was clubbing at coco banana 3days in a row.
I wonder how she can stand it.
To amanda: Hey, I do not have your blog url.....

Our first picture.

OH, is KennySia @ Susan Boyle from UK.
Missed the part when he flashed his AMAZON JUNGLE!

Simon Seow with his red underwear.
If superman see this, I think he will cry.

TianChad & KennySia in a pink "woman stoking".


Dino what were u trying to do?
I asked him to help me snap some pictures but all end up JoJo picture.
Anyway, you got to admit that she is hot........

Her naughty pose with the tiger beer bottle.

Guys, what do you think i trying to do?
She said I'm smoking.....

My day end up with a tiny mini group picture.

We were given a goodie bag.
Tshirt. A deck of cards. Tiger beer.
Honestly, I got to say I LOVE NUFFNANG!


cookiedonut said...

the one tian chad holding is a tiger, not a cat XD

~Elaine Tam~ said...

Hei babe......thanks for uploading all of my picturess =____="

And you look so cute with your naughty pose...I still think it looks like smoking instead of XXXXXX...oopssss.....what's XXXXXXX? hahahahahaha~

James said...

Tks for sharing the picture.
I am the Mexican that had to face the ever strong Mr. Susan Boyle (aka Kenny Sia).

Simon Seow said...

I'm Seow Lang, nothing to do with Superman. LOL.

bryanlyt said...

lol it's samantha, not amanda xD