Wednesday, June 10, 2009

3rd Cheque from Nuffnang!

This is my 3rd cheque from nuffnang. To those who do not believe that you can earn some cash from blogging believe it now. Sign up @ Nuffnang right away. Last year December, I decided to cash out my money from my nuffnang account but after 6months the cheque only arrived. Anyway, I'm glad the cheque arrived safely to my hand.

Thanks Nuffnang!
Not much only RM79.87
To Elizabeth: Come we go out and eat want? Anything you like. =P

Not exceeding RM80,000!
How nice my nuffnang account has RM80,000.
Do you think is it possible to do so?


TianChad田七摄影 said...

It is possible, hold the money til 80k then only cash out ;p

~Elaine Tam~ said...

Wow!!!! You have values to cash out!! wah seh!!!

angieflo said...

hey~ i've been signining for this nuffnang for so long man.. but still, i didnt receive any money leh...

azianierdawati said...

waaa syiok lorh

Anonymous said...

yes, possible to do so..
just dont check out and let the money keep adding..
contradicting to his post huh?
so far i checked out once... now im just letting it add.. ;)