Monday, June 15, 2009

"The Street"- Futsal Tournament.

Look at Bryant face!
Estimate 70players around K.L and P.J came for the Street.
Glad to meet lots of good and skillful players.

Vicky my top gunner but he can't play for my team during the tournament.
twisted his knee.

Ouch pain pain.

Collision between obama and bull.

Everyone seems happy.

Match Schedule

Semi-Final onwards on Fifa court.

Semi 1 was Prem's Team VS Delvin's Team.
All the way to penalty shoot out.
Prem's Team won the penalty shoot out 6-5.

Playing the fool.

Referee talking so listen up!

Proud of the team.
Samba F.C

My team VS Suren's Team.

My team lose 3-0 but it's okay.
In futsal there is win and there is always lose.
Just don't give up Í'm sure one day we will become the champ.

To Des- I know I have a nice ass but please next time dun stare at it!

My shot actually penetrate the wall and on target!
Any club want to sign me?

Marques(Bull) on action.

Prize Rm600 giving away!

Gay moment!

Suppose to be only Suren's Team picture but someone sesak on the left.

Watching penalty shoot out!


Nakamura or Park Ji-Sung sons.
In future I will have 22 babies. 2 football teams!

Suren's Team Won

Everyone touching the money EXCEPT Suren!
He touched my moops. Man+boops = moops

Evelyn, Desmond, Tarkessh and I were hanging out in pelita after the tournament.

Her rose tattoo.

Then at night we were hanging around my taman.


Anonymous said...

nice match!
you really into football huh..
oops.. i mean futsal too. haha.. =)

~Elaine Tam~ said...

so u guys really won that RM600? wow! serious boh??