Monday, July 6, 2009

Mask Party.

The last time I went to Promtay was 2years ago.
Never thought of going to the Promtay again which was 2years later.
Anyway, I went there at the end.

Dino, Joshua, Yoga, Arnold and I, we meet up at Josh's place.
White Myvi - Me, Dino and Arnold.
Black Vios - Yoga and Josh.

Basically I made Yoga to catch up with me.
The blackvios actually skid while catching with the whitemyvi.
To Angela -told cha my myvi is abit special. hahaha

My Bean is not as fast as Fairlady.
Not really look as sporty as Lamboghini.
But still I love my Bean!
Of course if I am given a chance to change my car,
definitely I get a Skyline. =P

Back to Promtay!
One word Awesome!

Masqeurade Party.
Missing mask!
Have you guys seen any mask which cost RM140?
If the last time of me I would definitely will buy it,
but now NO...
Simply because doesnt worth it.

Promtay @ Heritage Mansion.
Parking RM10!

Look like many hot waitress out there.
They are hot but not waitress is the prom-tay committee.

Chia Sing.

busy finding for prom king.

The promtay's HOT staff.
Means other not hot is it?
What is her name?


Another 2 doink doink.
Lily & PohYee

Lily, the girl who always wear Medan's Shirt.

Wo...Wo... The fireflyz's air-stewardess.
Free air-ticket to BANG-COCK.

The same shirt he wore to college today.

The food was just fine.
But the atmosphere was the bomb!!

One of the reason why i look tanner...
Because someone is hot standing beside me

Partially also because of Louise too.
To Louise:-
Louise see i'm saying you are hot.
The darker one more romantic but most important ....
You know what. =P

Inez with her beautiful red dress and very RED lipstick.

Seriously i found some crack on my lens.
Must be this two!

Pictures above are taken in the toilet.

Got to ask some girls out there.
Angela matches it for me.
With the tie look nicer or without the tie?

Dino and his girlfriend.
I knew i was tipsy at that time but please please i beg u and Joshua
don't kiss me!
For god sick, i'm straight!


Awesome time hanging out with this fellow.


T said...

damn the party looks like so much fun

marcusan said...

WOOtz! i dunt recall us having the pleasure of meeting during PROMTAY! would have loved to speak with you...

Guess you were buzy partay-ing eh? haha. the pics explains it.. =D

anyhow, glad you found me! *YAY*

strangely enuf, i came to ur blog b4! OMG.

you must tell me how you got into such a superb body! u must u must u must! hahaha

cya arnd!

~Elaine Tam~ said...

You look hot babe! hahaha~ With your RM150 mask =__="