Friday, July 3, 2009

Traffic light turn Green.

Thinking hard what to wear for some functions? ME too but i found someone who can solve this problem for me. She planned everything for me from head to toe. How lucky am i....
Next 2 weeks, she be starting her Victoria University life for a year.
Soon to be my junior in Monash University. Don't be sad.
The freakiest part is both of us have alot in common.

Eg: we like speeding on the road when we are not happy.
Her fav sports car is Fairlady use to be my fav car too.
Like to own a glass house beside a beach.
That's all i can think of now.
Drove to her house @ TTDI.
Then, meet up with Christina for some multiple marketing talk.

Have lunch at pyramid's McD.
Even in McD we prefer ketchup than chillies.

Went back to college to meet up with her friends.
Seriously, most of her friends are crazy which make it so nice to hang around.
It reminds me of Des, Arnold, Marques, Tarkessh, Tharma, Bryant, Shaun, Faris, Izuan, Syazwi and also Karthigan! We were so crazy during high school.
To lily: Please stop smacking my ass! hahaha ouch!

aiyak, block my whole face.
because the traffic light turns green already.

The girl i'm talking about is Angela.
Oh sorry is a dude i mean. =P
Hobby: raping me in the car. hahahahaha


angieflo said...

oh my god!!! didnt i just tell u tht im famius enough? btw, for the guy who called yew jin just now. sorry man, it was me.. hahha yea, like he said. im a dude~ =/ damn..

Wanderer said...

u r describing a gf.. hahaha..but its damn nice dat someone can b so thoughtful to the extend to deciding everything u wear n u like it.. haha

YewJin said...

angelo - when wan to leave comment better be sober. hahahaha i know u were drunk when u leaving this comment. i know u missing me now! hahaha =P

Teddy - yeah she is a girl and my friend. hahaha if next time i dont have anyone to become my PA, i will find her. haha so next time if i have any function just giv her a ring for me. go find urs fast! xD

angieflo said...

OMG!!! i did not miss you man. stop being perasan larh. btw, bout the being ur PA part, seriously, im gonna charge you for tht man!!! hehehehe... =p

YewJin said...

=P i like being perasan is fun! hahaha weird right... lol the best part is my PA can help me in study too! ECON ECON! what to do future business man hahaha... =P

angieflo said...

hahahhah u're gonna pay me for tht man!! hahahah =p