Thursday, May 28, 2009

Malaysia XI vs Manchester United

8years ago, Manchester United came to Malaysia and played with them. Sadly, Malaysia team was trashed by them. 6-0! Can you imagine me, a 10years old boy jumping in the stadium trying to watch the game? Obviously, I did not go because is a waste of money.

8years later which is now! Manchester United is back to score more goals or maybe MalaysiaXI team might score back 6 goals. I don't know. Ball is round, anything could happen on the field.

When: 18 July 2009
Where: Bukit Jalil National Stadium
(hope the field got better, no more holes here and there)
Kick-off: 5.30pm

This time is different! I bought the RM98 ticket - entrance(Green Gate)
Level 1 or 2. The seats where have the highest posibilities to get hit by the ball.

I also got myself a training session admission pass.
17 July 2009, a day before the game!
What we do there:
Traine with them?
Take pictures with Ronaldo and Rooney?
And getting their signature too!

I got the ticket and pass from Sunway Pyramid's Al-ikhsan

Where will i be?
The nearest to the field.

I know Manchester United lose to Barcelona this morning but they are still the club which i support. There is always win and lose in football.

Anyway, looking forward to this game.
I would be happy if anyone out there would want to join me.


~ Xi@nGCooL ~ said...

Imposible Malaysia can score 6 this time ..haha...
Just hope Malaysia don't lose ugly can dy....

Anonymous said...

wow you're going this time right??

SGRMSE. said...

Shouting for help everyday?? LOL. Really got so dramatic anot =P Me? I'm studying in LimKokWing Cyberjaya now. You're gonna go watch Man U?? I wanna go toooooo.

darren is my name said...

wow.. hw much u got the tickets for? lol..imagine the training session was for msia xi >.<