Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Can’t Get Enough of Transformers'.

I can't get enough of Transformers because it is simply the movie of the year 2009 to me! I still remembered the day when Transformer 1 is out, I watched it with my friends and I was addicted to the movie.

Day by day I was waiting for Transformer 2 to be out. Finally, the day is near! It is such a great movie till I decided to shoot my very own Transformer and collect the Transformer merchandise.

Of course the most important thing why I choose to shoot a video here is because I would like to win a pair ticket for this exclusive Premier Screening and exclusive Transformer figure.

Let's begin what I had ready for you guys.

Revenge of the Fallen

Mikaela Banes (Megan Fox) @ Louise.

Sam WitWicky (Shia LaBeouf) @ Me

Megatron @ Tharmaraj

Bumblebee @ Arnold

Optimus Prime @ Tarkessh

Starscream @ Desmond

Watch the video.
Director is me!

Although everything seems funny and might look sucky for some of you but I am really proud of it. Simply because they are sporting enough to do this shooting.

I bought bumblebee HEAD back home.

Getting some collection of Transformers.

I would like to say thanks to Louise, Desmond, Arnold, Tarkessh and Tharma for helping me out in this Transformer (Malaysia Version). So to nuffnang, I really want the tickets.....!



Any Arope said...

hahahhahaa u as sam wikiwiki stim laaa...ahahahahahah

YewJin said...

if the actress is megan fox confirm bendera naik but louise.....

DONt think so. shhh.... ;D

Anonymous said...

haha.. cool vid..
but the props not good..
example.. bumbleebee should wear yellow..
optimus prime wear red and blue..
anyway, nice! =D

~Elaine Tam~ said...

You should wear it, instead of holding it....Higher chances then...*heheheheheh*